Twitter Adds Improved Muting Features to Curb Online Abuse
Twitter has announced changes to their app and policies with the specific aim of cutting down on online abuse and bullying. The changes will be rolling out over the course of the next few days and will bring a much enhanced mute feature. This new feature will not only allow you to mute a particular account (which you can already do) but also allow you to block keywords and emoji too. Notifications can also be muted after this update so if you are a victim of bullying or abuse on the service, you can quite literally turn that person or those words completely off in the app – and make your life a little bit easier.
Bullying and abuse has been a seemingly constant problem for Twitter. Many individuals have left the service for a wide range of abuse issues from gender, orientation and political views. Twitter in their update today stated that they know these changes won’t end it overnight but is working to try to cut it down.