Google Gives More Info On Music, TV and Actors
Today the Google team has rolled out a great improvement to the search results on your Android phone or tablet. Now when you do a search of a band, actor or actress, TV show or Movie, you get a significant amount of more information about them than just the search results themselves. The update was announced on the Inside Search blog and it is a behind-the-scenes update from the company. That means it is working now for everyone on Android devices and soon will work for iOS Google Search.
If you search for a band, you will see an overview of that band, albums and photos of the band, see songs information, links to videos of the band of particular songs, their discography and you are a tap away from playing their music from sources like YouTube, Google Play Music, iHeartRadio and TuneIn. It is a great way to help you identify more music from a song you have heard or if you have a favorite band (Rush fans unite!) you can get all kinds of great information on them.