Google Pixel Devices Get On-Device Battery Life Estimates for Improved Accuracy
Google has made a small but significant change to the way that Google Pixel devices measure estimated battery life. The update replaces a simple model that was on the devices that could produce some wildly inaccurate measurements and results.
The news of the update came via the Pixel Product Help Site and essentially, the new model now looks at how you actually use your phone rather than making estimates based on your previous hour of usage. Before this change, if you used 10% of your battery in an hour, the model would assume that you would continue to use your batter at a 10% per hour clip. This resulted in some discrepancies if you went above or below that 10% rate. The change to the model gives more personalized results.
To fix this, we built an on-device model that evaluates how you use your phone’s battery over time. Your phone looks at your battery usage on similar days and times, and uses that to predict your battery life in a personalized way.
The cool thing is, this is all a cloud-side change that Google pushed out so if you have a Pixel device, you likely already have this change in place.