Don’t 1 Star An App Not Working in Android N
The news of the first beta of Android N being released yesterday has made the Android community a flurry of activity and with Google for the first time really making it easy for users to download it and install it on their Nexus devices, it means that a lot of people have installed it. And by a lot I mean a lot. My Google+ and Twitter feeds are full of people posting photos of their devices in various stages of being updated or N running on them. Along with that has come a pile of posts of people not happy because their favorite app is not working. I warned readers this would happen. What was released yesterday was in every word beta and you could even make the argument that it is alpha code.
But whatever you do, don’t go to the Google Play Store and give a 1 star rating and bad review for an app not working in Android N. That doesn’t help anyone, particularly the developers.