Get Fun Facts on Google Search

Sometimes you just need a fun fact.  Whether you are at a party trying to throw out some random trivia or teaching your kids some fun things about animals, flowers or other things, fun facts can be, well, fun, and maybe even educate you at the same time.  Google Search is making it easier to find those fun facts with a improved algorithm that surfaces these types of searches.  If you type in “Cat fun facts”, you will get a highlighted (with larger print) fun fact about cats.  Refresh your search (pull down on the screen on your Android phone) and it will give you a new fun fact.  There is nothing you need to update, it is just something that is now showing up more predominantly in search results.

Most of the fun facts are for animals and plants but you’ll also find some fun vegetable facts too.

Basically, you can put anything in front of “fun facts” in your search and see what you get.  While it is mostly limited to plants and animals, it

Cat Fun Facts in Google Search

Cat Fun Facts in Google Search

isn’t completely.  So have some fun and get ready to maybe learn something new while you are being random-fact-throwdown-dude at that party.


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