Latest Microsoft Cortana Update Brings Voice Activated Calls and Texts

A new update to Microsoft Cortana for Android is rolling out today and it brings the ability to send a voice activated call or text from your phone.  The feature isn’t necessarily earth shattering as other assistants can do this too.  But it does give a clear indicator that Microsoft is continuing to develop and push Cortana feature-wise for their customer base.

The update in question is version for those keeping score at home and it is already in the Play Store.  If you have Microsoft Cortana installed on your phone, you likely already have the update – but double-check.

Once you have Cortana installed, you have two ways to send a call or text from the assistant.  First you can say, “Call Rob” or “Text Rob” and it will setup to Cortana to place that call or text.  If you have multiple Rob’s in your contacts, Cortana will ask you which one or which number to send the call or message too for Rob.

Send a Voice Text Message from Microsoft Cortana

Send a Voice Text Message from Microsoft Cortana

Equally, you can simply say “Call” or “Text’ and Cortana will prompt you for the contact and you can then place the call or verbally communicate the text message.

None of this is unique to Cortana but bringing these features to the assistant makes it all-the-more viable for those who are deep in the Microsoft ecosystem and who use Cortana regularly.

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