Google Search To Soon Show TV Show Listings

In addition to the ability to find podcasts to play in Google Search, the ability to find TV listings of shows will soon be coming to it as well.  The announcement came from Daniel Alegre, President of Global Partnerships who gave a speech today at The National Association of Broadcasters Show where he outlined how the results will start to be shown in search results to help users find TV content more readily.

In the announcement, Mr. Alegre stated

Live TV Listings in Google Search

Live TV Listings in Google Search

Today, I’m excited to announce that, coming soon, Google Search will have live TV listings. So now when you’re looking for The Big Bang Theory, we’ll not only show you the apps and sites where you can find the latest episode, but also show which channel you can turn your tv to later in the evening or week to catch it live.

The announcement fits well with how users are searching for television content on their mobile devices.  Users are now searching 55% more for such listings than they were a year ago and the new search results, along with DoubleClick monitization for which will deliver more personalized ad content for the television broadcasters across all platforms.

Given that this is a back end change, it is just a matter of when these listings will start showing up and likely will not require any app updates for Android or iOS.

As you can see from the image in this post, you will also be able to see on what services you can view or purchase the show or movie on other apps like Google Play or YouTube and you will be able to select your television provider to get more personalized service.


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