Category: Microsoft Windows

The New York Times Crossword App Released

The New York Times Crossword app has been released for both Windows Phone and Surface, bringing perhaps the most well known and popular daily crossword to your devices.  It is the perfect way to take on the challenge of the crossword game, which began publishing in 1942, with you on-the-go and you can do it completely free.

The new app brings you both a daily mini puzzle (for Windows Phone) then the published crossword for the day.  You can play either one of these completely free without a subscription to The New York Times and in fact can play the previous 7 days of puzzles for free.  If you want to go back further, up to a year on the device and 20 years on the web, you will need a subscription to the service.

The New York Times Crossword for Windows Phone – Free – Download Now

Nokia Lumia 830 Videos Posted

On the Nokia YouTube channel, the company has posted two new Lumia 830 videos for your viewing enjoyment.  The two videos, both found after the break, highlight the features, style and design of the 830 which was announced today in Berlin.

Having watched both videos a couple of times, I have to say I’m quite excited about this new Lumia.

Jump past the break to see the two videos.

Microsoft Announces the Lumia 830 Windows Phone

This morning at IFA in Berlin, Microsoft has been busy.  They have announced several new things including the all new Lumia 830 Windows Phone.  A slim 5″ display device, the Lumia 830 comes packed with features including an impressive 10MP PureView camera and wireless charging.  The 830 is the successor to the 820 and is expected to ship later this month for around €330 or $430.  While the 820 was never a world beater, Microsoft certainly is aiming the 830 to be with a good mix of advanced features without the massive high end price tag.

What is WiFi Sense and What Does it Do?

As I’ve continued the process of getting myself back into the swing of things in the Windows Phone world, there has been one aspect that has puzzled me.  WiFi Sense?  What is it?  What does it do exactly?  I asked around to some colleagues who use Windows Phone and generally got the answer “it’s what allows you to use WiFi networks”.

Well technically yes, that’s correct.  It does allow you to use wireless networks but it is not required for WiFi access.  In fact you can completely disable WiFi Sense and gain access to a wireless network.  The ability to turn WiFi on and off is wholly separate from WiFi Sense.

So what is it then?  Think of it as crowdsourcing for WiFi networks.  It allows your Windows Phone to collect wireless network information about a network you have joined, and share that information with your friends.  But it also allows you to quickly and easily enter credentials required to get onto a wireless network.  It is a handy little app and one that is built into Windows Phone.

Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 Update Released

For those in the Windows Phone Preview for Developer program, a new update to Windows Phone 8.1. Update 1 is now available for download.  The build number for this release is 8.10.14157.200 and is available to everyone in the program.  Remember that you can join the Preview for Developer program for free by downloading the app and registering your device.  More details at the end of this post.

Windows Phone Shipments Drop But Not All Bad News

The research firm IDC has released their second quarter results for mobile platform sales and its a bit of a mixed bag for Windows Phone.  Overall, compared to the same quarter in 2013, Windows Phone saw overall market share slip from 3.4% to 2.5% with device shipments dropping from 8.2 to 7.4 million in the comparison.  For those who love & support the platform, not exactly a ringing enforcement by fellow mobile device users.  Android remained the dominant player globally, amassing 84.7% of the global market share followed by Apple’s iOS platform at a distant 11.7%.  Still though there are some positives to come out of this report from IDC that should give Windows Phone users some comfort.

Did You Upgrade to Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1?

All the interwebs are a flutter now that Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 has been released to those on Developer Preview.  It seems many of you upgraded your Nokia Lumia’s to the latest from Redmond yesterday so you could take advantage of things like Live Folders and Cortana if you live outside of the United States.

So my question for you:  Did you upgrade to Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 yesterday?  If so, what do you think?  Take the site poll below and leave a comment on your thoughts about the update or why you didn’t update.  If you ran into troubles (or have found a bug) what were those issues?  Keep in mind that this is technically beta software so a bug here or there is entirely probable.

[yop_poll id=”2″ tr_id=”1″]

Be sure to leave a comment – good or bad – on your Update 1 experience.

Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 Roll Out Begins for Developer Preview Users

Last week Microsoft stated that those who had been a part of the Developer Preview program would start seeing Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 roll out to their devices this week.  Here we are on Monday and the rollout has begun.  The update has been rolling out to DP members globally with several key improvements and enhancements now available on their devices.

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