Yesterday I installed Windows 10 to start doing bug hunting and experimenting on what will be the next version of Windows for every device. As I posted yesterday, Windows 10 is certainly in beta and shouldn’t be installed on your production (day-to-day) PC unless you are willing to put up with odd behavior and bugs here and there. In my case, I installed it on a PC I do not use every day so it can be my test bed. This post will be the first in a series that outline the updating and development of Windows 10 until it is released later this year. For this first part, I’ll cover the installation process and my first impressions.
As a reminder, for those who want to try Windows 10 out yourself, you can do so by joining the Windows Insider program. It is free to join but the expectation is you will test and help report bugs. Also note that for you Windows Phone users, Windows 10 for Phone will not be available until February. Right now it is only for PCs and tablets.
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