As I put in my initial thoughts post last week, there are a lot of changes coming in Windows 10 for Phone aimed at brining the Little OS That Could to par with Android and iOS. While the final verdict of if that was achieved will come out in the months ahead, there are clear indicators already in the Preview that point to Microsoft taking a big step forward in making the user experience in

Replying to SMS in Action Center in Windows 10 for Phones
this release far more friendly and customizable. One of those areas is the Action Center.
Action Center itself in Windows Phone is not new. It’s been there since Windows Phone 8.0 but it has been fairly limited in what it could do. Basically it was read only information on notifications.
Now however in Windows 10 for Phone, it becomes far more interactive and, dare I say, useful. Now you will be able to interact with things like SMS messages or delete individual notifications for other apps and by the time Windows 10 for Phone is released, be able to interact with other Microsoft services like Skype. The key is you can do all of this without leaving the app you are in at the time on your phone.
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