One of the challenges that has plagued Microsoft with Windows Phone since its inception, and something they must resolve with Windows 10 for Phones has been carriers. If you look at the history of Windows Phone 7, 8 and 8.1, the carriers have always held the strings when it comes to updates on devices. In some cases, particularly in Europe, this has been fine as the carriers have gotten updates out in a timely manner. Here in the US however it has been nothing short of a debacle. Verizon Lumia Icon users just now got Lumia Cyan (rolled up with Lumia Denim) after it was available for a year. AT&T has yet to roll out Lumia Denim to the Lumia 1520, arguably the flagship phone of the market today. T-Mobile has been hit-or-miss which is the same for Sprint.
Microsoft in leading up to Windows 10 for Phones has indicated that they are working on ways to get around this problem and go with something akin to how Apple approaches update on iOS. What they have not been clear on is how they plan on doing that feat. Having done a lot of reading and asking even more questions, I think I know how they are going to do this with the next generation of Windows Phone. The secret ingredient to me seems to be the “appification” of what use to be core components of the mobile OS. Couple this the foundations laid with the Windows Insider program as the way to push out updates universally and you have the makings of what Microsoft wants to do: Control the release of updates to everyone on Windows 10 for Phones in a timely manner.
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