Category: App Update

Gmail Update Brings Blocking Senders and Unsubscribing Support

Google has released an update to the Gmail app for Android and with the update comes some nice inbox management tools.  The update is in the process of being released into the Google Play Store and should be arriving on your Android phone or tablet over the course of the next few days.  With the update will come the ability to block senders (something you can already do but it is improved) and unsubscribe to a newsletter from the message menu.  It gives you a bit more control over your inbox and should help declutter it a bit.

Gmail for Android – Free – Download Now

Updated Google Search Brings App Searches To Your Devices

Over the course of the past two weeks, there have been a significant number of updates to a wide range of Google apps in the Google Play Store.  These update primarily have been laying the foundation for Android Marshmallow which is expected to be released next week.  While those on Android KitKat or Android Lollipop will not see the full benefits of many of these update until Marshmallow, there are a few apps that have hints as to what is coming.  One of these is the Google Search app.

The Google Search app has been updated to build for those keeping score at home and one of the big changes that comes with the update is an all new App Drawer and the ability to quickly and easily search for apps that you have installed on your Android phone or tablet.  The update has been published to the Play Store but it is slowly trickling out so you may not see the update for a few days via OTA updates.

Google Search for Android – Free – Download Now

Android Pay Now Available For Download in The Play Store

If you have been waiting for the least week or so since its launch for your Google Wallet app to update to Android Pay, you can now take matters into your own hands.  Google has released the Android Pay app into the Google Play Store for you to download to your NFC compatible devices.  The app is free and if you haven’t had a chance to check it out, you can read my first look at the app from last week when I got it on my Nexus 6.  Essentially this is the replacement for the old Google Wallet app (there is a new one for sending and receiving funds) rebranded with some security improvements and other performance updates.  There are a long list of retailers that are already accepting Android Pay because they were accepting Google Wallet prior to the launch.  Additional retailers and financial institutions are there now too and many more are in the roadmap to be added in the coming weeks.

Android Pay for Android – Free – Download Now

Google Play Music Update Brings Much Improved Chromecast Support

Google has released an update to Google Play Music for Android that should be a welcome sight… erm, I mean sound, to users.  The update, version 6.0.1995S for those keeping score at home, has completely overhauled support for Chromecast with all of the new updates and features of this release focusing on your ability to stream music through your Chromecast.  The update is rolling out now to the Google Play Store so if you haven’t received it yet, you should over the course of the next 2-3 days.  For those who haven’t tried Google Play Music, it is a free app (ad supported) that allows you to stream music and store your own music in the service.  For $9.99 per month you can get ad-free listening and the ability to download content to listen offline.

Google Play Music – Free (in-app purchases) – Download Now

Google Play Newsstand Update Brings Sports Scores

Google has dropped an update to the Google Play Newsstand app into the Google Play Store today that brings a new ability to keep track of news and scores from your favorite teams right from within the app.  The update is version 3.4.4 for those keeping score at home (get it?  Score?  Sports? Work with me people) and is available for Android phones and tablets.  If you aren’t familiar with Google Play Newsstand, it is the app that serves quite a few purposes for users. It is news collector from a wide range of sources from major news sources but also is a place where you can search specific topics and of course subscribe to magazines through the Play Store.  The idea is that it is a one-stop shop for all your needs and periodicals and this update will help it achieve that goal.

Google Play Newsstand – Free – Download Now

Google Play Music Update Brings Android Wear Support

Google has released an update to the Google Play Music app for Android that brings several fixes to the streaming music app as well as support for Android Wear.  The update is build 6.0.1984S.2219729 for those keeping score at home and like playing Google Version Bingo and it is rolling out to the Google Play Store now.  The update will benefit everyone, especially if you like to stream radio from the app so it is worth taking the time to pick up the update.

Google Play Music – Free (In-App Purchases) – Download Now

OpenTable Update Brings In-App Profile Management

I am a big user of OpenTable and have been for a long time.  It’s a great way to make a restaurant reservation whether you are at home or on the road.  One of my biggest complaints however is the lack of profile management in the app for Android (or iOS for that matter).  Anytime I want to change my email address or password I would have to log into the OpenTable website to change them.  Thankfully that is no longer the case.

OpenTable for Android was updated today to version for those keeping score at home and the big news with this update is the ability to update your profile from within the app.  No longer do you have to go to the site to make these changes and the update is available for both Android phones and tablets.

OpenTable for Android – Free – Download Now

Fitbit for Android Update Brings Exercise Sharing

Fitbit for Android has a new update out in the Google Play Store that brings several enhancements and improvements to the health & fitness tracking app.  The update is version 2.10 for those keeping score at home and among the new features is the ability to share a photo from your exercise routine with friends.  Why would you want to share a photo of yourself in the gym?  Well, you could inspire your friends on Fitbit to push themselves a bit further or you can show proof of how important “leg day” is in your routine.

Fitbit for Android – Free – Download Now

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