For baseball fans, it is a great time of the year. Spring Training has started and the season is just a little over a month away from starting. One of the best sports app out there – and it has been for a long time – is At Bat. It provides a huge wealth of information during the baseball season on your favorite team, players and from around the league and if you love the National Pastime, this app is a must have on your devices.
The league has issued an update to the Android version of the app, build 5.0.0 for those keeping score at home (see what I did just there?) and is available now in the Google Play Store. The biggest part of this update has to do with the general look of the app. The update has a far more Material Design look to it than in the previous builds and that new look flows for both the phone and tablet UIs. With so many apps now following the Material Design look, the MLB app felt a little out of place towards the end of last season. Now it looks the part a bit better but doesn’t lose it’s baseball look either.
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