Chrome 64 for Android Brings Site Auto-Redirect Blocking
In a bit of a surprise, Google has released the Chrome 64 based update to Chrome for Android. The update is rolling out now and brings a significant number of security improvements to the browser. The new build is version 64.0.3282.116 for those keeping score at home. The surprise is that the Android version of the browser was released before the update to the Windows, Mac and Linux version. Usually Chrome for Android and Chrome OS are the last two to be updated in the monthly flow of updates from Google.
There are a number of security updates in this release but three in particular stand out. First is a crack down on auto-redirects. After this update, Chrome 64will block 3rd party iframes unless the users has to interact with it. There is also a new infobar that appears when new tabs or windows are attempted to open by the site you are browsing.