Klout Score App Coming to The Marketplace Next Week for Windows Phone
Klout, the influence measuring site and service, has quickly become a key social networking locale for people from virtually every walk of life. Klout measures how much you impact a particular topic or group of people through various social networking channels such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr and many others. If you haven’t check it out, you should at http://www.klout.com
Developer Julien Dollon has been working on a Klout app, aptly named Klout Score, for Windows Phone and it is expected to drop into the Marketplace next week. If it holds up, it would be the first Klout app for Windows Phone and only the 2nd that I know of (there is one for Android but none for iOS). According to Julien’s site, the app will give you all the information about your Klout score that you get from the site itself. This includes your topics, those you influence and those who influence you and details on your Klout score.
Klout Score App from Julien Dollon
Look for the app to hit the Windows Phone Marketplace next week.
[Update] – Richard Hay commented that there are some Klout related apps in the Marketplace. I missed those this morning in the original post. Thanks Richard for setting me straight! 🙂