The much anticipated arrival of the sequel to Alto’s Adventure, Alto’s Odyssey, has finally arrived for Android users. The endless runner style game is similar to the first game but with new challenges and in a completely different setting. But the beautiful graphics and soundtrack that was enjoyed in the first game is still there in Alto’s Odyssey.
Set in a magical desert, the game brings Alto and friends different challenges and obstacles but has the same feel to the first game. There are caves, temples and even banner grinding between hot air balloons in the game so there is enough of a difference to keep you entertained. For hours.
Perhaps the best news with the launch is that the game is a freemium model. You can download the game for free and there are plenty of in-app purchases to make to improve your characters and game play. But, like other freemium apps, if you are willing to stick with it and be patient, you can do just about everything that the in-app purchases do for you. That’s not 100% the case but is a high percentage indeed.
If you played Adventure then Odyssey is going feel familiar but also have some new challenges to keep you interested. If you never played Adventure, Odyssey is likely going to be your new addiction and you’ll end up downloading Adventure to check it out.
Enjoy – and remember, you have to work today.