Google Assistant Now Supports Hindi

Making good on its promise at Mobile World Congress, Google has rolled out Hindi language support in Google Assistant.  The announcement came from the Google Blog in India with support initially rolling out to Android devices running Marshmallow (6.0) or higher.  Support for Lollipop (5.0) will be coming shortly.

The BBC estimates that some 425 million people speak Hindi as their first language with an addition 125 million as their second language.  That is a significant number of people who will now be able to use Google Assistant to help them with tasks for gather information.

While English to Hindi support was available in a feature phone from an Indian carrier, until now, the only way Hindi speakers could use Assistant was through Allo.  Support in that app was added last year.


For now, users who have Hindi as their default language and are running an mobile with Android Marshmallow or higher can expect Assistant to come to their phones in the coming days.  It could take several days to land on everyone’s phone.

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