If you have noticed a change in your Google Feed from the Google app on your phone, you are not alone. The shortcuts to weather, restaurants and other information at the top of the page has been removed in an effort by Google to improve the overall user experience with the Google app.
To be clear, the Google Feed is accessed either by going into the Google app or, if you have a Pixel phone, a swipe to the right on your Home page. There you see information cards you have configured, news and other information. Previously, there were shortcuts at the top of this page for one-tap information which are now gone.
The change was confirmed by Google in the Google Product Forums for Search as part of an ongoing effort to improve the user experience and provide relevant information to you.
The question of if this is a big change or not is going to be subjective, purely on if you used the shortcuts in the first place. The feature rolled out last summer and personally, I think I tried them out when I first got them… and never did afterwards. I suspect I’m not alone.
Will you miss the shortcuts? Leave a comment and let me know.