If you are looking to have the new Pixel 2 launcher look and feel on your current phone, the latest update to Action Launcher is your ticket. The update, version 30.2 for those keeping score at home, brings all of the goodness that is in Google’s new default launcher to any phone without rooting. In fact, looking at it side-by-side with the Pixel 2 launcher, it is all-but identical plus you have a lot of tweaks that you can do that are not available in the Google launcher.
Action Launcher in this update has brought the At A Glance feature, giving you the date and weather at the top of the display on your Home page and updating with calendar notifications when you have an upcoming appointment. Functionally, it is the same as the Pixel 2 launcher and it looks identical.
This new addition adds to what Action Launcher had in the last couple of updates around Pixel 2 launcher features. The dock-based search was introduced in the last version and in this update, there are more customizations you can do to it.
Personally, I’m a big fan of Action Launcher. It is one of my favorites and the launcher that I use on my non-Pixel devices so I have the same look & feel across all of them.
The launcher is free in the Play Store and you can buy the full version with a huge number of features for $4.99. It is five bucks well spent in my opinion.