After a few weeks in development, the first app is now available in the Google Play Store. The app is a web wrapper style app that brings you all of the content of the site conveniently within an app on your Android phone. No more having to open up Chrome to navigate to the site!
The app is designed to make readers lives easier. Completely free, the app is updated continually with the information from the site, giving users one-tap to get to those posts without having to open up their browser and navigating to the site.
Some of the key highlights include:
– Supports Push Notifications
– Designed for Android Phone
– Android Marshmallow Permissions Supported
– Extremely lightweight design (less than a 4MB install)
– Continually updated without users having to refresh the app
Testing of the app has been ongoing for a while now and I want to thank those who were in on the beta test as it helped get things sorted out, particularly around the push notifications.
The app will run on any Android phone running KitKat or higher which should cover the vast majority of readers. As for future updates, I’m planning on supporting Android tablets in the near future and I’m working on supporting Android Wear too as the app grows.
The app of course is free.
As with any app in the App Store, I would appreciate the downloads, reviews and ratings of the app. If you run into any issues with it do report those through the Google Play Store so I can address them quickly.