Moto X Play Stock Wallpapers Available

So there have been a lot – and I mean a lot – of new devices the past few weeks.  Some have been great, some not so great but most have had some pretty spiffy wallpapers to go with them.  One of those is the Moto X Play and I’ve managed to get the stock wallpapers for this device and put them up on the Wallpaper page.

Mobile Wallpaper Page

The new Moto X Play wallpapers are going to be found at the very bottom of the page and there are eight of them in total.  These of course are free to download and copy to your own devices and they are free to share of course (although I always appreciate a link back).  There is a good mix in these wallpapers, from geometric to a beautiful closeup of a feather (my personal favorite).  All-in-

Moto X Play

Moto X Play

Moto X Play

Moto X Play

all though, they are not bad and certainly worth having a looksee to see if they are right for you.

I have put just a couple of them on this post to give you an idea of what you can expect on these wallpapers.

If you haven’t been on the Wallpaper page lately, there are well over 200 wallpapers for you to download freely for your own use.  Enjoy.



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